• Here are some essential points to remember about marriage and relationships:

    – Marriage between a man and a woman is a beautiful partnership that is ordained by God and can significantly increase your effectiveness in life.

    – God intended for human beings to be in partnerships, and the marriage union between a man and a woman is His template for humanity. Being alone is never part of God’s plan.

    – A partnership is for multiplication and legacy. Both parties should contribute to the union’s growth and success. Loving your children is a great inspiration for life.

    – In the Bible, God commands us to “fill the earth” and to produce good things. Entrepreneurs can use creativity to fill the world with good things.

    – Many of the world’s greatest inventions have come from countries where the Ten Commandments are foundational to society. The United States is an excellent example of this.

    – If you want to improve your marriage, you might wonder how to get your spouse to change or listen to you. Remember that happiness in marriage is not automatic, but take the first steps toward the marriage you want can make a big difference.

    – If you’re struggling in your marriage, there is hope for a breakthrough. There are keys to restoring your marriage, even if it seems complicated.

    – No matter how big or small your marriage is, work must always be done. Read more about successful marriages to learn how to make yours last.