Prosperity has God’s ability to meet the needs of humanity, regardless of what those needs are. It also can be in control of your circumstances and situations. For example, if a negative thought attacks your mind, God has given you His Word to renew your mind and gain control over whatever is attacking you mentally. If something attacks your body by being sick and other ailments, God’s Word is medicine for your physical body. It’s His prescription, which gives you instructions on using His Word to receive your healing. That’s what prosperity is. God wants you to prosper in every area of your life, including your finances.
When you begin to deal with the different areas of your prosperity, you have to label them: Health prosperity, soul prosperity, family prosperity, marital prosperity, and financial prosperity. The God kind of prosperity is total life prosperity, wholeness, with nothing missing, lacking, or broken in your life. God wants you to experience the abundant life in Christ, the God kind of life, which is called the word “Zoe Life.”It is the essence of God that is within you here on earth. The other word for it is the “Sozu” life. It is in you!
It is the will of God that every single one of His children enjoys total life prosperity. Therefore, God wants you to experience days of heaven on earth, where nothing is broken, missing, or lacking, in any area of your life. But, you must renew your mind and accept the truth that biblical prosperity, the God kind of prosperity, is your divine covenant right. In living a prosperous life in this book are the following such as the following: the difference between worldly prosperity vs. kingdom of God prosperity, the true definition of prosperity and why it consists of so much more than material money and possessions, and why prosperity is God’s idea and plan. His purpose for prospering us. Most of all, the practical steps you must take in order to walk in divine biblical prosperity.