- “I love you” are the three words everyone enjoys hearing, including God. A thankful heart is refreshing! It feels good to both give and receive. We believe that it blesses the heart of God when His children open their hearts and share genuine, heartfelt, sincere appreciation.
- In the United States, they give thanks nationwide each year in November. They celebrate Thanksgiving and a special day set aside with family and friends to thank God for His many BLESSINGS.
- While they enjoy the tradition, they know there is no way they could reserve all their thanks to God for one day as believers. Since I live in Australia, we don’t have this celebration. Still, we also have our traditions during Christmas and daily life.
- There is also a church service where they can sing and worship the Lord. Other people may be in their houses during whatever occasion they have.
- Just like you, we’re in the heartfelt habit of giving God thanks, PRAISE, and adoration every day as we worship Him for what He does for us, what He has done for humankind, and what He will continue to do for us individually as we put Him first and apply His principles.
- Thankfulness blesses God! And it also has a way of setting the stage for advancement. One way to get into the spirit of thanksgiving is to get out of your comfort zone and start doing what Psalms 147:7 says, “Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises upon the harp unto God.”
- It brings our life into the completion of the finished work of JESUS Christ is done. You moved to thank Him, singing Him before Him because of all He has done. He finished all the work and did it!
- So now, we know what you think. You’ve always said thank you to God, but you don’t often sing it! I sing it when I worship, follow the worship song, and sometimes drive a car with a worship song. How about you? Singing takes a special effort. It’s not about opening your mouth, but your heart, too.
- Remember that God loves you to hear your voice, even if nobody else does! When I attended Hillsong church. I found out that when people are singing, we sing it loud. It might sound not quiet but full of energy, joy, and excitement. People are clapping and lifting their hands full of combustion or uplifting. The band plays so loud, and clanging cymbal instruments are used with guitars and other devices that make the worship song more alive and uplifting.
- So, sing it out loud. Something extraordinary happens when we let go of our apprehension, open our hearts, and sing thanks to God quietly before Him. We open the door to hear from God and advance whenever we create an intimate atmosphere with Him.