Harriet is an intriguing and original “take” on Jane Austen’s Emma, by Publishers Weekly’s 2021 BookLife Prize Quarterfinalist, Alice McVeigh
Harriet sidelines Emma herself in favour of the ingenious Harriet and the fascinating Jane Fairfax. It’s still Austen’s Emma – but an Emma with a surprisingly believable twist in its tail.
“An immersive, high stakes, and heartfelt take on the classic – and a fantastic tribute to Austen’s Emma.” (Clarion Reviews)
“A dynamic take on a revered classic. This is still Austen’s Emma—but the story that unfolds through the recollections of these two ‘side’ characters feels remarkably fresh… With or without an understanding of Emma, Harriet contains a fully-formed narrative that should satisfy even the choosiest Austen fans… Readers will rarely find the words ‘page-turner’ and ‘Jane Austen’ in the same sentence, but McVeigh’s impeccably written Harriet certainly fits the bill.” (IndieReader)
“Harriet Smith boldly catapults herself into the delicate world of high society in yet another masterfully penned homage by Alice McVeigh. Swirling rumors, sardonic asides and complex romantic geometry make for a saucy read, but there are also profound commentaries on gender roles, friendship and heartbreak laced within the prose… McVeigh delivers a remarkably engaging tale of love, loss, and learning from one’s mistakes, skilfully capturing the essence of Austen’s world, but adding fresh dimensions.” (SPR featured editorial review)
“Harriet reimagines Jane Austen’s Emma through the eyes of two characters, Harriet Smith and Jane Fairfax. McVeigh brings new depth to the original, while in tone and language she successfully recreates this familiar part of Jane Austen’s world. It is a pleasure to revisit this familiar story though a different lens… an enjoyable and intelligent reimagining.” (Editorial review, BlueInk Reviews)