“The two most important days in your life are the day you are Born and the day you find out Why” **Mark Twain**
Egyptian Numerology is the Alchemy of Ancient Wisdom through the Frequencies of Numbers and position of the planets transforming your life toward prosperity, love and overall well-being. Working with the magical frequencies of Numbers transmutes lead into gold as challenges melt into pivotal opportunities.
Egyptian Numerology lies under the premise that before Birth, we contracted with a Karmic Board in the spirit realm to achieve specific goals, complete karmic lessons, advance our spiritual evolution, and to understand our pure essence of Being as Divine Love.
In case we forgot what we came here to earth to do, we encoded these vital lessons in our Birth Name and Birth Date. When we begin to understand the powerful forces behind these numbers, there is no coincidence that this accurate mapping points to our Soul Life Mission including Soul Life Path, Purpose and Destiny within.
“Know Thyself and Thou Shalt Know the Universe” (Ancient Proverb)
The paradigm for numbers has shifted over the past few decades and it is vital we acknowledge this change and accept the wisdom now available to us during these radical times of evolution.
Egyptian Numerology takes our reflection and enhances the view by lifting our number frequencies into the fifth dimension showing us what is possible to achieve in this lifetime. The fifth dimension is described as the plane of love and living totally from the heart.
This gives us the opportunity to discover areas of our life that have the greatest potential and what they look like in an elevated frequency rating. It is compatible with receiving a new lens prescription to see ourselves clearly.
The paradigm for numbers has shifted over the past few decades and it is vital we acknowledge this change and accept the wisdom now available to us during these radical times of evolution.
There are Universal Laws governing each Number and accessing these doors opens a new frontier full of possibilities and unlimited dreams.
“Alchemy is where Science meets Spirit and they join together for the pure fun of Creating.”
Leap into the Abyss of Light and allow the Alchemy of Ancient Wisdom alter your human experience.