Memoirs of a Witness Tree

Randal Burd has produced what is easily one of the top five poetry books (in fact, one of the top five English language books) of the year. He offers up a treasure trove of exquisitely crafted jewels unearthed from the vacuous wasteland of modern life. Each poem glistens perfectly with accessible language, sumptuous rhymes, and enchanting meter. The jewels are varied, coming in a variety of meaningful and relatable topics, from the Civil War to human rights in China to getting lost in a forest to being a father. The intricately inlaid and gilded, yet never gaudy, chest that brings them all together is a sincere grasp of beauty and a refreshing sense of decency that make this a work of perennial value. Bravo, Mr. Burd.

— Evan Mantyk, President of The Society of Classical Poets

Memoirs of a Witness Tree is emotionally resonant in its quiet simplicity. It is evocative, revealing the best of yearning, despair, acceptance, deep love of family and nostalgia. It asks righteous questions. It delves into metaphysical issues of death, conscience, heart and the meaning of life. It deals with death in its imminence and life in its eminence. Beautifully written: Burd has a strong sense of rhythm, a witty manner of rhyming and an innate sense of what is required of the sonnet form – he modernizes, yet remains classical, a high achievement and an excellent read.”

— Hayley Ann Solomon, author of Celestial Promise and Wishbinder

In this impressive collection, Formalist poet Randal A. Burd Jr. presents poems that speak to an array of emotional experiences and to every taste. Of course, what touches one will not touch another; what matters to one will be a triviality to the next. The poet only begins the poem; the reader, with his reading, finishes it. Among my personal favorites are “Out of Mind,” “A Mended Heart,” “Echoes of Yesterday,” and “Reflection.” I recommend this collection.

— Harvey Stanbrough, founding editor of The Raintown Review