It’s OK to Be a Puppy : A Children’s Book about Loving Who You Are

Every child wants to grow up, can’t wait to be big!!! But, it’s OK to be who you are, to be young and full of wonder. It’s also normal to think about other puppies and what they do and what they look like, right? This colorful illustrated children’s book tells a whimsical yet poignant story of a puppy’s view of the world through the author’s rhyming prose, as the puppy wants to grow up to be like everyone else. There will be plenty of time for school and chores, but for now, it’s OK to be a puppy. This book also addresses the anxiety of being alone and wanting to be held; current issues among children (and adults) of all ages. A nice story that’s also a good read at bedtime or anytime.
Reading It’s OK to Be a Puppy at bedtime (or anytime) will help your child or grandchild feel that everything is OK. And that’s a good thought to have as you fall asleep.