For All The Hurt Ever Received (F.A.T.H.E.R.)

Meet Author Ree Johnson who was born and raised in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia by a single mother. As a fatherless daughter, she decided to embark upon a journey to finding the answers to the many questions that sit on the hearts and minds of fatherless daughters and sons who share her story of growing up dealing with the pain, hurt, and disappointments of an absent father. Through her open letters written to her now deceased father, she shares her life journey of what it means to turn your victimization into a victory. With untold personal experiences and raw emotions, she endeavors to capture her readers who share the same story to take her journey with her in hopes to spark their hearts to take their own journey to healing through self-reflection, self-love, self-worth, healing, and forgiveness. It is a journey that will be a walk to remember and a run for life that you will never forget. It sets a platform for fatherless daughters and sons that will lead them out of the arms of emotional hurt into the realms of a permanent freedom from pain that their hearts so rightfully deserves.