Ghosts are Assholes

As our protagonist Vincent Pietro explains, ghosts are assholes. They always demand things. And are they ever grateful? No, of course not. They never even say thank you.

Things seem to be different when he meets a recently departed ghost named Raquel Cobb, a woman who died young who was an incredible actress destined for stardom. Her memories are all over the place, a symptom common in ghosts, but that is about the only thing she has in common with other ghosts. 

She is a cheerful, vivacious, inquisitive and empathetic ghost who is truly unlike any that Vincent had ever met. Throughout the story, it is quite apparent that two of them have chemistry with each other and as the duo visit friends and family to discover why the young woman met an early demise, they discover more about her past, the mysterious man who had entered her life, and his relation to her best friend Maria, a gentleman named Franklyn and his sister Elizabeth. Their discoveries lead to an unpredictable conclusion as Vincent discovers why Raquel Cobb died.