“This is a courageous and moving story written by a courageous woman, in which she describes vividly her experiences of some of the best and the worst of human behaviour. It should provide help and insight to many people who are enduring mental suffering. It is a powerful lesson for those who live with, care and provide support for people with mental disturbance and those who administer health- care systems.” Prof. Fred Toates and Dr. Olga Coschug-Toates.
The British Psychology Society 2010
‘Well done to Lisa WB who has had amazing success with her first book ‘A Fine Line’. ‘A Fine Line’ is based on Lisa’s own story of suffering years of child abuse. The main character, Bridget, is persuaded to check herself into a psychiatric unit, for what she thinks is a matter of weeks, which then turns into years as she unravels a sequence of appalling abuse, blocked from her memory.
Professor Antony Sheehan, Chief Executive of the Leicestershire and Rutland NHS Trust. March 2010
“A Fine Line is a very significant text for all those trying to understand what it is really like to use the mental health system, indeed why so many of the women who use MH Services need help in the first place. Lisa has been forthright in her account of the good, the bad and the indifferent. As the chapters go on we see a compelling story unfold with lessons for managers, clinicians and service users jumping out of every page. It’s not easy but it’s a must!”
Dr Ojeicha, GP
“Nothing splendid has been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances… The book, like its author is splendid.”
This book was No 1 in child abuse for over a year on Amazon UK, endorsed by the medical professionals.