Eric Jonson, the commander of the Europa One Space ship, leads the first manned mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa.
On-board the ship, the problems are constant but small and dealt with in coordination with the ground crew. The crew is baffled when Minako Tokiwa a Quantum physicist, experiences a form of mental disturbance, a vision which AI computer classifies as early stages of schizophrenia.
Shortly after a minor explosion occurs and almost kills an engineer, the radio problems arise. A communication expert space walks to inspect the radio antennas, only to discover that the radio towers are damaged from what seems to be human intervention. He suffers an extremely disturbing vision, where he clearly sees an anomaly, an unknown astronaut that hides behind the large antenna dish.
After several near death experiences, the towers are fixed and finally the crew hears the familiar sound of hope, the voice of the mission director Roger Simons.
The fear of a mass mental disorder engulfs the crew. Executives push for immediate mission cancelation, by which the ship would be steered into oblivion, but Director Roger Simons goes against such cruel decision and together with his vice Director, they risk their lives to stop the mission cancelation.