This book can make a difference in how you feel about yourself and how you live your life. Who were we thinking about when we wrote this Women’s Self-Defense Book? We were thinking of educated, active women who realize their importance. Whether you have taken your focus and strengths into the competitive career world or committed your unique abilities to the complexity of guiding a family through the maze of changing life experiences, this book will change your perceptions of how to respond to encroaching outsiders and ultimately how to respond to that once in a lifetime assault situation.This book has the key, and the key is knowledge. Based on over 50 years of seminars held in high schools, colleges, YWCAs, rape crises centers, community centers and educational TV presentations, this book approaches the topic and skills of Women’s Self-Defense from a fresh new perspective. Clifford Crandall Jr., a New York State educator known worldwide for his videos, books and seminars, is joined with Lynn Jessee and her medical background and personal passion to help people live safer, more productive lives. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING. The Key is Knowledge and the key is within this BOOK.100’s of step-by-step photographs and descriptions.